How is induction (without hypothesis) to be used in this proof that $ane{b}implies{a<blor{b<a}}$ for...



The following is from Fundamentals of Mathematics, Volume 1 Foundations
of Mathematics: The Real Number System and Algebra, Edited by H. Behnke, F. Bachmann, K. Fladt, W. Süss and H. Kunle.

It's part of the development of the theory of natural numbers. Their
version of Peano's axioms begins with 1, not 0. My question pertains to the proof of rule (15).

If for the numbers $a,b$ there exists a number $c$ with $a+c=b,$
we write $a<b$ ($a$ is less than $b$), or alternatively $b>a$
($b$ is greater than $a$). For the relation $<$ defined in this
way we have the following theorems:

(12) if $a<b,$ then $ane b$ (antireflexivity);

(13) if $a<b$ and $b<c,$ then $a<c$ (transitivity);

(14) if $a<b,$ then $left(a+dright)<left(b+dright)$(monotonicity
of addition);

(15) if $ane b,$ then $a<b$ or $b<a.$

Rule (12), which states that $a+cne a$ for all $a,c,$ is proved
by complete induction on $a,$ for we have $1+cne1$ by (1) [$a+1=a^{prime}$],
(7) [$a+b=b+a$] and axiom IV [$a^{prime}ne1$ for every number
$a$]; and if we had $a^{prime}+c=a^{prime},$ it would follow
that $left(a+cright)^{prime}=a^{prime},$ and thus $a+c=a.$ For
the proof of (13), (14) we set $a+u=b,b+v=c$ and thus get



Complete induction on $a$ is again used to prove (15), as follows.

The case $a=1$ is first dealt with by complete induction on $b:$
[footnote: In this case the induction hypothesis is not used at
all, a fact which may make the proof somewhat harder to follow.]



Then from (15) (for all $b$) the same statement with $a^{prime}$instead
of $a$ (thus for all $b:$ $a^{prime}<b$ or $a^{prime}=b$ or
$b<a^{prime}$) is derived by complete induction on $b:$


$a^{prime}<b^{prime}$ or $a^{prime}=b^{prime}$or $b^{prime}<a^{prime}$
by (15) and (14);

here again the induction hypothesis ($a^{prime}<b$ or $a^{prime}=b$
or $b<a^{prime}$) is not used.

The following is a literal outline of the steps stated in the quoted text:

  1. $text{Case}left[a=1right]$

    (a) $text{Case}left[a=1,b=1right]$

    (b) $text{Case}left[a=1,b+1=b^{prime}right]$

  2. $text{Case}left[a^{prime},bright]$

    (a) $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b<a^{prime}right]$

    (b) $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b=a^{prime}right]$

    (c) $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b>a^{prime}right]$

  3. $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b^{prime}right]$

    (a) $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b^{prime}<a^{prime}right]$

    (b) $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b^{prime}=a^{prime}right]$

    (c) $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b^{prime}>a^{prime}right]$

It is not clear to me whether the case of, say, $a^prime=1^prime$ is expected to be explicitly treated.

Here's what I originally came up with:

Before proving (15) we show

underset{a,c}{forall}a<cimpliesunderset{x}{nexists}c+x=aiffunderset{a,c}{forall}a<cimplies angtr c.tag{A}

First observe that


Now assume $c+x=a,$ implying $c+x+b=c,$ contradicting (12).

My proof of (15) uses (12) and (A):

text{Case}left[a,b<aright]implies aneq bland a>bimplies anless b.

text{Case}left[a,b=aright]implies b=aimplies anless bland bnless a.

text{Case}left[a,b>aright]implies aneq bland b>aimplies bnless a.

This is applicable to all cases, including $a=1$ and $a=1^prime$. I don't see the need for induction. Unless pointing out that it applies to the initial case as well as the general case constitutes induction.

Is my proof correct? Due to the comment this question received, I believe my proof is likely insufficient. If its validity can be shown, it is still lacking in exposition. I was also looking at (15) incorrectly as an exclusive or statement.

A question I have regarding the outline of proof in the quoted text is this:

Should a case $a$ ever be explicitly produced, other than in the initial case of $a=1$?

Apparently the proof is some kind of "leapfrog" or "crab-walk", "bootstrapping" from the base case.

Another question I have is whether the result I have tagged (A) is needed for the proof.

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  • 3

    You seem to be dividing into three cases according to whether $a=b$, $a>b$ or $a<b$. But that is presupposing the conclusion.
    – Lord Shark the Unknown
    Jan 14 at 5:56

  • $begingroup$
    That is not the genesis of the three cases, per se. I started out trying to produce what is described in the quoted text. It appeared to me that I was merely reproducing the pattern of the three cases. In different, but seemingly equivalent forms. That siad, your observation appears to have merit.
    – Steven Hatton
    Jan 14 at 17:30

  • 1

    What if $a > b$ and $a < b$ are both true? what if neither $a < b$ nor $a > b$ are true?
    – fleablood
    Jan 14 at 18:36

  • $begingroup$
    The case of $a<bland{a>b}$ is dealt with in expression (A). The case of $anless{b}land{angtr{b}}$ may be $a=b$. To show that it must be $a=b$ requires showing it true for $a=1,a=1^prime$ and it may be sufficient to show it for $a=1^{primeprime}$ by arguing that this is equivalent to the general case. One challenge is that this proof is not supposed to use an induction hypothesis.
    – Steven Hatton
    Jan 14 at 18:48



The following is from Fundamentals of Mathematics, Volume 1 Foundations
of Mathematics: The Real Number System and Algebra, Edited by H. Behnke, F. Bachmann, K. Fladt, W. Süss and H. Kunle.

It's part of the development of the theory of natural numbers. Their
version of Peano's axioms begins with 1, not 0. My question pertains to the proof of rule (15).

If for the numbers $a,b$ there exists a number $c$ with $a+c=b,$
we write $a<b$ ($a$ is less than $b$), or alternatively $b>a$
($b$ is greater than $a$). For the relation $<$ defined in this
way we have the following theorems:

(12) if $a<b,$ then $ane b$ (antireflexivity);

(13) if $a<b$ and $b<c,$ then $a<c$ (transitivity);

(14) if $a<b,$ then $left(a+dright)<left(b+dright)$(monotonicity
of addition);

(15) if $ane b,$ then $a<b$ or $b<a.$

Rule (12), which states that $a+cne a$ for all $a,c,$ is proved
by complete induction on $a,$ for we have $1+cne1$ by (1) [$a+1=a^{prime}$],
(7) [$a+b=b+a$] and axiom IV [$a^{prime}ne1$ for every number
$a$]; and if we had $a^{prime}+c=a^{prime},$ it would follow
that $left(a+cright)^{prime}=a^{prime},$ and thus $a+c=a.$ For
the proof of (13), (14) we set $a+u=b,b+v=c$ and thus get



Complete induction on $a$ is again used to prove (15), as follows.

The case $a=1$ is first dealt with by complete induction on $b:$
[footnote: In this case the induction hypothesis is not used at
all, a fact which may make the proof somewhat harder to follow.]



Then from (15) (for all $b$) the same statement with $a^{prime}$instead
of $a$ (thus for all $b:$ $a^{prime}<b$ or $a^{prime}=b$ or
$b<a^{prime}$) is derived by complete induction on $b:$


$a^{prime}<b^{prime}$ or $a^{prime}=b^{prime}$or $b^{prime}<a^{prime}$
by (15) and (14);

here again the induction hypothesis ($a^{prime}<b$ or $a^{prime}=b$
or $b<a^{prime}$) is not used.

The following is a literal outline of the steps stated in the quoted text:

  1. $text{Case}left[a=1right]$

    (a) $text{Case}left[a=1,b=1right]$

    (b) $text{Case}left[a=1,b+1=b^{prime}right]$

  2. $text{Case}left[a^{prime},bright]$

    (a) $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b<a^{prime}right]$

    (b) $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b=a^{prime}right]$

    (c) $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b>a^{prime}right]$

  3. $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b^{prime}right]$

    (a) $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b^{prime}<a^{prime}right]$

    (b) $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b^{prime}=a^{prime}right]$

    (c) $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b^{prime}>a^{prime}right]$

It is not clear to me whether the case of, say, $a^prime=1^prime$ is expected to be explicitly treated.

Here's what I originally came up with:

Before proving (15) we show

underset{a,c}{forall}a<cimpliesunderset{x}{nexists}c+x=aiffunderset{a,c}{forall}a<cimplies angtr c.tag{A}

First observe that


Now assume $c+x=a,$ implying $c+x+b=c,$ contradicting (12).

My proof of (15) uses (12) and (A):

text{Case}left[a,b<aright]implies aneq bland a>bimplies anless b.

text{Case}left[a,b=aright]implies b=aimplies anless bland bnless a.

text{Case}left[a,b>aright]implies aneq bland b>aimplies bnless a.

This is applicable to all cases, including $a=1$ and $a=1^prime$. I don't see the need for induction. Unless pointing out that it applies to the initial case as well as the general case constitutes induction.

Is my proof correct? Due to the comment this question received, I believe my proof is likely insufficient. If its validity can be shown, it is still lacking in exposition. I was also looking at (15) incorrectly as an exclusive or statement.

A question I have regarding the outline of proof in the quoted text is this:

Should a case $a$ ever be explicitly produced, other than in the initial case of $a=1$?

Apparently the proof is some kind of "leapfrog" or "crab-walk", "bootstrapping" from the base case.

Another question I have is whether the result I have tagged (A) is needed for the proof.

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  • 3

    You seem to be dividing into three cases according to whether $a=b$, $a>b$ or $a<b$. But that is presupposing the conclusion.
    – Lord Shark the Unknown
    Jan 14 at 5:56

  • $begingroup$
    That is not the genesis of the three cases, per se. I started out trying to produce what is described in the quoted text. It appeared to me that I was merely reproducing the pattern of the three cases. In different, but seemingly equivalent forms. That siad, your observation appears to have merit.
    – Steven Hatton
    Jan 14 at 17:30

  • 1

    What if $a > b$ and $a < b$ are both true? what if neither $a < b$ nor $a > b$ are true?
    – fleablood
    Jan 14 at 18:36

  • $begingroup$
    The case of $a<bland{a>b}$ is dealt with in expression (A). The case of $anless{b}land{angtr{b}}$ may be $a=b$. To show that it must be $a=b$ requires showing it true for $a=1,a=1^prime$ and it may be sufficient to show it for $a=1^{primeprime}$ by arguing that this is equivalent to the general case. One challenge is that this proof is not supposed to use an induction hypothesis.
    – Steven Hatton
    Jan 14 at 18:48






The following is from Fundamentals of Mathematics, Volume 1 Foundations
of Mathematics: The Real Number System and Algebra, Edited by H. Behnke, F. Bachmann, K. Fladt, W. Süss and H. Kunle.

It's part of the development of the theory of natural numbers. Their
version of Peano's axioms begins with 1, not 0. My question pertains to the proof of rule (15).

If for the numbers $a,b$ there exists a number $c$ with $a+c=b,$
we write $a<b$ ($a$ is less than $b$), or alternatively $b>a$
($b$ is greater than $a$). For the relation $<$ defined in this
way we have the following theorems:

(12) if $a<b,$ then $ane b$ (antireflexivity);

(13) if $a<b$ and $b<c,$ then $a<c$ (transitivity);

(14) if $a<b,$ then $left(a+dright)<left(b+dright)$(monotonicity
of addition);

(15) if $ane b,$ then $a<b$ or $b<a.$

Rule (12), which states that $a+cne a$ for all $a,c,$ is proved
by complete induction on $a,$ for we have $1+cne1$ by (1) [$a+1=a^{prime}$],
(7) [$a+b=b+a$] and axiom IV [$a^{prime}ne1$ for every number
$a$]; and if we had $a^{prime}+c=a^{prime},$ it would follow
that $left(a+cright)^{prime}=a^{prime},$ and thus $a+c=a.$ For
the proof of (13), (14) we set $a+u=b,b+v=c$ and thus get



Complete induction on $a$ is again used to prove (15), as follows.

The case $a=1$ is first dealt with by complete induction on $b:$
[footnote: In this case the induction hypothesis is not used at
all, a fact which may make the proof somewhat harder to follow.]



Then from (15) (for all $b$) the same statement with $a^{prime}$instead
of $a$ (thus for all $b:$ $a^{prime}<b$ or $a^{prime}=b$ or
$b<a^{prime}$) is derived by complete induction on $b:$


$a^{prime}<b^{prime}$ or $a^{prime}=b^{prime}$or $b^{prime}<a^{prime}$
by (15) and (14);

here again the induction hypothesis ($a^{prime}<b$ or $a^{prime}=b$
or $b<a^{prime}$) is not used.

The following is a literal outline of the steps stated in the quoted text:

  1. $text{Case}left[a=1right]$

    (a) $text{Case}left[a=1,b=1right]$

    (b) $text{Case}left[a=1,b+1=b^{prime}right]$

  2. $text{Case}left[a^{prime},bright]$

    (a) $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b<a^{prime}right]$

    (b) $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b=a^{prime}right]$

    (c) $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b>a^{prime}right]$

  3. $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b^{prime}right]$

    (a) $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b^{prime}<a^{prime}right]$

    (b) $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b^{prime}=a^{prime}right]$

    (c) $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b^{prime}>a^{prime}right]$

It is not clear to me whether the case of, say, $a^prime=1^prime$ is expected to be explicitly treated.

Here's what I originally came up with:

Before proving (15) we show

underset{a,c}{forall}a<cimpliesunderset{x}{nexists}c+x=aiffunderset{a,c}{forall}a<cimplies angtr c.tag{A}

First observe that


Now assume $c+x=a,$ implying $c+x+b=c,$ contradicting (12).

My proof of (15) uses (12) and (A):

text{Case}left[a,b<aright]implies aneq bland a>bimplies anless b.

text{Case}left[a,b=aright]implies b=aimplies anless bland bnless a.

text{Case}left[a,b>aright]implies aneq bland b>aimplies bnless a.

This is applicable to all cases, including $a=1$ and $a=1^prime$. I don't see the need for induction. Unless pointing out that it applies to the initial case as well as the general case constitutes induction.

Is my proof correct? Due to the comment this question received, I believe my proof is likely insufficient. If its validity can be shown, it is still lacking in exposition. I was also looking at (15) incorrectly as an exclusive or statement.

A question I have regarding the outline of proof in the quoted text is this:

Should a case $a$ ever be explicitly produced, other than in the initial case of $a=1$?

Apparently the proof is some kind of "leapfrog" or "crab-walk", "bootstrapping" from the base case.

Another question I have is whether the result I have tagged (A) is needed for the proof.

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The following is from Fundamentals of Mathematics, Volume 1 Foundations
of Mathematics: The Real Number System and Algebra, Edited by H. Behnke, F. Bachmann, K. Fladt, W. Süss and H. Kunle.

It's part of the development of the theory of natural numbers. Their
version of Peano's axioms begins with 1, not 0. My question pertains to the proof of rule (15).

If for the numbers $a,b$ there exists a number $c$ with $a+c=b,$
we write $a<b$ ($a$ is less than $b$), or alternatively $b>a$
($b$ is greater than $a$). For the relation $<$ defined in this
way we have the following theorems:

(12) if $a<b,$ then $ane b$ (antireflexivity);

(13) if $a<b$ and $b<c,$ then $a<c$ (transitivity);

(14) if $a<b,$ then $left(a+dright)<left(b+dright)$(monotonicity
of addition);

(15) if $ane b,$ then $a<b$ or $b<a.$

Rule (12), which states that $a+cne a$ for all $a,c,$ is proved
by complete induction on $a,$ for we have $1+cne1$ by (1) [$a+1=a^{prime}$],
(7) [$a+b=b+a$] and axiom IV [$a^{prime}ne1$ for every number
$a$]; and if we had $a^{prime}+c=a^{prime},$ it would follow
that $left(a+cright)^{prime}=a^{prime},$ and thus $a+c=a.$ For
the proof of (13), (14) we set $a+u=b,b+v=c$ and thus get



Complete induction on $a$ is again used to prove (15), as follows.

The case $a=1$ is first dealt with by complete induction on $b:$
[footnote: In this case the induction hypothesis is not used at
all, a fact which may make the proof somewhat harder to follow.]



Then from (15) (for all $b$) the same statement with $a^{prime}$instead
of $a$ (thus for all $b:$ $a^{prime}<b$ or $a^{prime}=b$ or
$b<a^{prime}$) is derived by complete induction on $b:$


$a^{prime}<b^{prime}$ or $a^{prime}=b^{prime}$or $b^{prime}<a^{prime}$
by (15) and (14);

here again the induction hypothesis ($a^{prime}<b$ or $a^{prime}=b$
or $b<a^{prime}$) is not used.

The following is a literal outline of the steps stated in the quoted text:

  1. $text{Case}left[a=1right]$

    (a) $text{Case}left[a=1,b=1right]$

    (b) $text{Case}left[a=1,b+1=b^{prime}right]$

  2. $text{Case}left[a^{prime},bright]$

    (a) $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b<a^{prime}right]$

    (b) $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b=a^{prime}right]$

    (c) $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b>a^{prime}right]$

  3. $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b^{prime}right]$

    (a) $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b^{prime}<a^{prime}right]$

    (b) $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b^{prime}=a^{prime}right]$

    (c) $text{Case}left[a^{prime},b^{prime}>a^{prime}right]$

It is not clear to me whether the case of, say, $a^prime=1^prime$ is expected to be explicitly treated.

Here's what I originally came up with:

Before proving (15) we show

underset{a,c}{forall}a<cimpliesunderset{x}{nexists}c+x=aiffunderset{a,c}{forall}a<cimplies angtr c.tag{A}

First observe that


Now assume $c+x=a,$ implying $c+x+b=c,$ contradicting (12).

My proof of (15) uses (12) and (A):

text{Case}left[a,b<aright]implies aneq bland a>bimplies anless b.

text{Case}left[a,b=aright]implies b=aimplies anless bland bnless a.

text{Case}left[a,b>aright]implies aneq bland b>aimplies bnless a.

This is applicable to all cases, including $a=1$ and $a=1^prime$. I don't see the need for induction. Unless pointing out that it applies to the initial case as well as the general case constitutes induction.

Is my proof correct? Due to the comment this question received, I believe my proof is likely insufficient. If its validity can be shown, it is still lacking in exposition. I was also looking at (15) incorrectly as an exclusive or statement.

A question I have regarding the outline of proof in the quoted text is this:

Should a case $a$ ever be explicitly produced, other than in the initial case of $a=1$?

Apparently the proof is some kind of "leapfrog" or "crab-walk", "bootstrapping" from the base case.

Another question I have is whether the result I have tagged (A) is needed for the proof.

proof-verification induction peano-axioms natural-numbers

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edited Jan 14 at 21:07

Steven Hatton

asked Jan 14 at 5:48

Steven HattonSteven Hatton



  • 3

    You seem to be dividing into three cases according to whether $a=b$, $a>b$ or $a<b$. But that is presupposing the conclusion.
    – Lord Shark the Unknown
    Jan 14 at 5:56

  • $begingroup$
    That is not the genesis of the three cases, per se. I started out trying to produce what is described in the quoted text. It appeared to me that I was merely reproducing the pattern of the three cases. In different, but seemingly equivalent forms. That siad, your observation appears to have merit.
    – Steven Hatton
    Jan 14 at 17:30

  • 1

    What if $a > b$ and $a < b$ are both true? what if neither $a < b$ nor $a > b$ are true?
    – fleablood
    Jan 14 at 18:36

  • $begingroup$
    The case of $a<bland{a>b}$ is dealt with in expression (A). The case of $anless{b}land{angtr{b}}$ may be $a=b$. To show that it must be $a=b$ requires showing it true for $a=1,a=1^prime$ and it may be sufficient to show it for $a=1^{primeprime}$ by arguing that this is equivalent to the general case. One challenge is that this proof is not supposed to use an induction hypothesis.
    – Steven Hatton
    Jan 14 at 18:48

  • 3

    You seem to be dividing into three cases according to whether $a=b$, $a>b$ or $a<b$. But that is presupposing the conclusion.
    – Lord Shark the Unknown
    Jan 14 at 5:56

  • $begingroup$
    That is not the genesis of the three cases, per se. I started out trying to produce what is described in the quoted text. It appeared to me that I was merely reproducing the pattern of the three cases. In different, but seemingly equivalent forms. That siad, your observation appears to have merit.
    – Steven Hatton
    Jan 14 at 17:30

  • 1

    What if $a > b$ and $a < b$ are both true? what if neither $a < b$ nor $a > b$ are true?
    – fleablood
    Jan 14 at 18:36

  • $begingroup$
    The case of $a<bland{a>b}$ is dealt with in expression (A). The case of $anless{b}land{angtr{b}}$ may be $a=b$. To show that it must be $a=b$ requires showing it true for $a=1,a=1^prime$ and it may be sufficient to show it for $a=1^{primeprime}$ by arguing that this is equivalent to the general case. One challenge is that this proof is not supposed to use an induction hypothesis.
    – Steven Hatton
    Jan 14 at 18:48



You seem to be dividing into three cases according to whether $a=b$, $a>b$ or $a<b$. But that is presupposing the conclusion.
– Lord Shark the Unknown
Jan 14 at 5:56

You seem to be dividing into three cases according to whether $a=b$, $a>b$ or $a<b$. But that is presupposing the conclusion.
– Lord Shark the Unknown
Jan 14 at 5:56

That is not the genesis of the three cases, per se. I started out trying to produce what is described in the quoted text. It appeared to me that I was merely reproducing the pattern of the three cases. In different, but seemingly equivalent forms. That siad, your observation appears to have merit.
– Steven Hatton
Jan 14 at 17:30

That is not the genesis of the three cases, per se. I started out trying to produce what is described in the quoted text. It appeared to me that I was merely reproducing the pattern of the three cases. In different, but seemingly equivalent forms. That siad, your observation appears to have merit.
– Steven Hatton
Jan 14 at 17:30



What if $a > b$ and $a < b$ are both true? what if neither $a < b$ nor $a > b$ are true?
– fleablood
Jan 14 at 18:36

What if $a > b$ and $a < b$ are both true? what if neither $a < b$ nor $a > b$ are true?
– fleablood
Jan 14 at 18:36

The case of $a<bland{a>b}$ is dealt with in expression (A). The case of $anless{b}land{angtr{b}}$ may be $a=b$. To show that it must be $a=b$ requires showing it true for $a=1,a=1^prime$ and it may be sufficient to show it for $a=1^{primeprime}$ by arguing that this is equivalent to the general case. One challenge is that this proof is not supposed to use an induction hypothesis.
– Steven Hatton
Jan 14 at 18:48

The case of $a<bland{a>b}$ is dealt with in expression (A). The case of $anless{b}land{angtr{b}}$ may be $a=b$. To show that it must be $a=b$ requires showing it true for $a=1,a=1^prime$ and it may be sufficient to show it for $a=1^{primeprime}$ by arguing that this is equivalent to the general case. One challenge is that this proof is not supposed to use an induction hypothesis.
– Steven Hatton
Jan 14 at 18:48

1 Answer






My version of the proof from BBFS tests more cases and conditions than does the proof outlined in the book. I left the additional steps in for the sake of introductory clarity. Ideally the proof should be optimized to use the minimum number of essential steps and to test for the minimum number of conditions.

Rule (12) which says $a<bimplies ane b$ tells us that
$$left(a<blor{a>b}right)implies ane b,text{ and }$$
$$a=bimplies left(anless bland{angtr b}right).$$

We also have
underset{a,c}{forall}a<cimpliesunderset{x}{nexists}c+x=aiffunderset{a,c}{forall}a<cimplies angtr c.

First observe that


Now assume $c+x=a,$ implying $c+x+b=c,$ contradicting (12).

The mutual exclusivity of the cases $a<b,a=b,a>b$ has thus been shown.

The following pseudo-code illustrates how the proof described in the book works for the first three values of $a$. For any larger values, the TestLoop runs through all cases for which $b^prime<a$. The subsequent comparison tests render the same results for every value of $a>1$

The STATE constants should be interpreted as
$$Lpequiv{a^prime{<b}}; Ltequiv{a<b}; Etequiv{a=b}; Gtequiv{a>b}; Gpequiv{a>b^prime}.$$

I will be stunned if all of this is correct, but I'm pretty sure it sufficiently represents the intent of the authors of my book.

Case[a+1<b ]:Return@Lp;
Case[a>b+1 ]:Return@Gp;

a=1; b=1;
TestLoop[a]; //no loops; b==1;
Cmp[a ,b ]==Et;Cmp[a ,b+1]==Lt;Cmp[a ,b+2]==Lp;Cmp[a ,b+3]==Lp;
Cmp[a+1,b ]==Gt;Cmp[a+1,b+1]==Et;Cmp[a+1,b+2]==Lt;Cmp[a+1,b+3]==Lp;

++a==2; b=1;
TestLoop[a]; //no loops; b==1;
Cmp[a ,b ]==Gt;Cmp[a ,b+1]==Et;Cmp[a ,b+2]==Lt;Cmp[a ,b+3]==Lp;
Cmp[a+1,b ]==Gp;Cmp[a+1,b+1]==Gt;Cmp[a+1,b+2]==Et;Cmp[a+1,b+3]==Lt;

++a==3; b=1;
TestLoop[a]; //1 loop; b==2;
Cmp[a ,b ]==Gt;Cmp[a ,b+1]==Et;Cmp[a ,b+2]==Lt;Cmp[a,b+3 ]==Lp;
Cmp[a+1,b ]==Gp;Cmp[a+1,b+1]==Gt;Cmp[a+1,b+2]==Et;Cmp[a+1,b+3]==Lt;

The question was originally why is induction needed? The answer to that is represented by the TestLoop. Basically, it proves there is a contiguous sequence of numbers between the $n^{th}$ step and the non-successor number (that number is $1$ in my universe).

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    My version of the proof from BBFS tests more cases and conditions than does the proof outlined in the book. I left the additional steps in for the sake of introductory clarity. Ideally the proof should be optimized to use the minimum number of essential steps and to test for the minimum number of conditions.

    Rule (12) which says $a<bimplies ane b$ tells us that
    $$left(a<blor{a>b}right)implies ane b,text{ and }$$
    $$a=bimplies left(anless bland{angtr b}right).$$

    We also have
    underset{a,c}{forall}a<cimpliesunderset{x}{nexists}c+x=aiffunderset{a,c}{forall}a<cimplies angtr c.

    First observe that


    Now assume $c+x=a,$ implying $c+x+b=c,$ contradicting (12).

    The mutual exclusivity of the cases $a<b,a=b,a>b$ has thus been shown.

    The following pseudo-code illustrates how the proof described in the book works for the first three values of $a$. For any larger values, the TestLoop runs through all cases for which $b^prime<a$. The subsequent comparison tests render the same results for every value of $a>1$

    The STATE constants should be interpreted as
    $$Lpequiv{a^prime{<b}}; Ltequiv{a<b}; Etequiv{a=b}; Gtequiv{a>b}; Gpequiv{a>b^prime}.$$

    I will be stunned if all of this is correct, but I'm pretty sure it sufficiently represents the intent of the authors of my book.

    Case[a+1<b ]:Return@Lp;
    Case[a>b+1 ]:Return@Gp;

    a=1; b=1;
    TestLoop[a]; //no loops; b==1;
    Cmp[a ,b ]==Et;Cmp[a ,b+1]==Lt;Cmp[a ,b+2]==Lp;Cmp[a ,b+3]==Lp;
    Cmp[a+1,b ]==Gt;Cmp[a+1,b+1]==Et;Cmp[a+1,b+2]==Lt;Cmp[a+1,b+3]==Lp;

    ++a==2; b=1;
    TestLoop[a]; //no loops; b==1;
    Cmp[a ,b ]==Gt;Cmp[a ,b+1]==Et;Cmp[a ,b+2]==Lt;Cmp[a ,b+3]==Lp;
    Cmp[a+1,b ]==Gp;Cmp[a+1,b+1]==Gt;Cmp[a+1,b+2]==Et;Cmp[a+1,b+3]==Lt;

    ++a==3; b=1;
    TestLoop[a]; //1 loop; b==2;
    Cmp[a ,b ]==Gt;Cmp[a ,b+1]==Et;Cmp[a ,b+2]==Lt;Cmp[a,b+3 ]==Lp;
    Cmp[a+1,b ]==Gp;Cmp[a+1,b+1]==Gt;Cmp[a+1,b+2]==Et;Cmp[a+1,b+3]==Lt;

    The question was originally why is induction needed? The answer to that is represented by the TestLoop. Basically, it proves there is a contiguous sequence of numbers between the $n^{th}$ step and the non-successor number (that number is $1$ in my universe).

    share|cite|improve this answer




      My version of the proof from BBFS tests more cases and conditions than does the proof outlined in the book. I left the additional steps in for the sake of introductory clarity. Ideally the proof should be optimized to use the minimum number of essential steps and to test for the minimum number of conditions.

      Rule (12) which says $a<bimplies ane b$ tells us that
      $$left(a<blor{a>b}right)implies ane b,text{ and }$$
      $$a=bimplies left(anless bland{angtr b}right).$$

      We also have
      underset{a,c}{forall}a<cimpliesunderset{x}{nexists}c+x=aiffunderset{a,c}{forall}a<cimplies angtr c.

      First observe that


      Now assume $c+x=a,$ implying $c+x+b=c,$ contradicting (12).

      The mutual exclusivity of the cases $a<b,a=b,a>b$ has thus been shown.

      The following pseudo-code illustrates how the proof described in the book works for the first three values of $a$. For any larger values, the TestLoop runs through all cases for which $b^prime<a$. The subsequent comparison tests render the same results for every value of $a>1$

      The STATE constants should be interpreted as
      $$Lpequiv{a^prime{<b}}; Ltequiv{a<b}; Etequiv{a=b}; Gtequiv{a>b}; Gpequiv{a>b^prime}.$$

      I will be stunned if all of this is correct, but I'm pretty sure it sufficiently represents the intent of the authors of my book.

      Case[a+1<b ]:Return@Lp;
      Case[a>b+1 ]:Return@Gp;

      a=1; b=1;
      TestLoop[a]; //no loops; b==1;
      Cmp[a ,b ]==Et;Cmp[a ,b+1]==Lt;Cmp[a ,b+2]==Lp;Cmp[a ,b+3]==Lp;
      Cmp[a+1,b ]==Gt;Cmp[a+1,b+1]==Et;Cmp[a+1,b+2]==Lt;Cmp[a+1,b+3]==Lp;

      ++a==2; b=1;
      TestLoop[a]; //no loops; b==1;
      Cmp[a ,b ]==Gt;Cmp[a ,b+1]==Et;Cmp[a ,b+2]==Lt;Cmp[a ,b+3]==Lp;
      Cmp[a+1,b ]==Gp;Cmp[a+1,b+1]==Gt;Cmp[a+1,b+2]==Et;Cmp[a+1,b+3]==Lt;

      ++a==3; b=1;
      TestLoop[a]; //1 loop; b==2;
      Cmp[a ,b ]==Gt;Cmp[a ,b+1]==Et;Cmp[a ,b+2]==Lt;Cmp[a,b+3 ]==Lp;
      Cmp[a+1,b ]==Gp;Cmp[a+1,b+1]==Gt;Cmp[a+1,b+2]==Et;Cmp[a+1,b+3]==Lt;

      The question was originally why is induction needed? The answer to that is represented by the TestLoop. Basically, it proves there is a contiguous sequence of numbers between the $n^{th}$ step and the non-successor number (that number is $1$ in my universe).

      share|cite|improve this answer






        My version of the proof from BBFS tests more cases and conditions than does the proof outlined in the book. I left the additional steps in for the sake of introductory clarity. Ideally the proof should be optimized to use the minimum number of essential steps and to test for the minimum number of conditions.

        Rule (12) which says $a<bimplies ane b$ tells us that
        $$left(a<blor{a>b}right)implies ane b,text{ and }$$
        $$a=bimplies left(anless bland{angtr b}right).$$

        We also have
        underset{a,c}{forall}a<cimpliesunderset{x}{nexists}c+x=aiffunderset{a,c}{forall}a<cimplies angtr c.

        First observe that


        Now assume $c+x=a,$ implying $c+x+b=c,$ contradicting (12).

        The mutual exclusivity of the cases $a<b,a=b,a>b$ has thus been shown.

        The following pseudo-code illustrates how the proof described in the book works for the first three values of $a$. For any larger values, the TestLoop runs through all cases for which $b^prime<a$. The subsequent comparison tests render the same results for every value of $a>1$

        The STATE constants should be interpreted as
        $$Lpequiv{a^prime{<b}}; Ltequiv{a<b}; Etequiv{a=b}; Gtequiv{a>b}; Gpequiv{a>b^prime}.$$

        I will be stunned if all of this is correct, but I'm pretty sure it sufficiently represents the intent of the authors of my book.

        Case[a+1<b ]:Return@Lp;
        Case[a>b+1 ]:Return@Gp;

        a=1; b=1;
        TestLoop[a]; //no loops; b==1;
        Cmp[a ,b ]==Et;Cmp[a ,b+1]==Lt;Cmp[a ,b+2]==Lp;Cmp[a ,b+3]==Lp;
        Cmp[a+1,b ]==Gt;Cmp[a+1,b+1]==Et;Cmp[a+1,b+2]==Lt;Cmp[a+1,b+3]==Lp;

        ++a==2; b=1;
        TestLoop[a]; //no loops; b==1;
        Cmp[a ,b ]==Gt;Cmp[a ,b+1]==Et;Cmp[a ,b+2]==Lt;Cmp[a ,b+3]==Lp;
        Cmp[a+1,b ]==Gp;Cmp[a+1,b+1]==Gt;Cmp[a+1,b+2]==Et;Cmp[a+1,b+3]==Lt;

        ++a==3; b=1;
        TestLoop[a]; //1 loop; b==2;
        Cmp[a ,b ]==Gt;Cmp[a ,b+1]==Et;Cmp[a ,b+2]==Lt;Cmp[a,b+3 ]==Lp;
        Cmp[a+1,b ]==Gp;Cmp[a+1,b+1]==Gt;Cmp[a+1,b+2]==Et;Cmp[a+1,b+3]==Lt;

        The question was originally why is induction needed? The answer to that is represented by the TestLoop. Basically, it proves there is a contiguous sequence of numbers between the $n^{th}$ step and the non-successor number (that number is $1$ in my universe).

        share|cite|improve this answer


        My version of the proof from BBFS tests more cases and conditions than does the proof outlined in the book. I left the additional steps in for the sake of introductory clarity. Ideally the proof should be optimized to use the minimum number of essential steps and to test for the minimum number of conditions.

        Rule (12) which says $a<bimplies ane b$ tells us that
        $$left(a<blor{a>b}right)implies ane b,text{ and }$$
        $$a=bimplies left(anless bland{angtr b}right).$$

        We also have
        underset{a,c}{forall}a<cimpliesunderset{x}{nexists}c+x=aiffunderset{a,c}{forall}a<cimplies angtr c.

        First observe that


        Now assume $c+x=a,$ implying $c+x+b=c,$ contradicting (12).

        The mutual exclusivity of the cases $a<b,a=b,a>b$ has thus been shown.

        The following pseudo-code illustrates how the proof described in the book works for the first three values of $a$. For any larger values, the TestLoop runs through all cases for which $b^prime<a$. The subsequent comparison tests render the same results for every value of $a>1$

        The STATE constants should be interpreted as
        $$Lpequiv{a^prime{<b}}; Ltequiv{a<b}; Etequiv{a=b}; Gtequiv{a>b}; Gpequiv{a>b^prime}.$$

        I will be stunned if all of this is correct, but I'm pretty sure it sufficiently represents the intent of the authors of my book.

        Case[a+1<b ]:Return@Lp;
        Case[a>b+1 ]:Return@Gp;

        a=1; b=1;
        TestLoop[a]; //no loops; b==1;
        Cmp[a ,b ]==Et;Cmp[a ,b+1]==Lt;Cmp[a ,b+2]==Lp;Cmp[a ,b+3]==Lp;
        Cmp[a+1,b ]==Gt;Cmp[a+1,b+1]==Et;Cmp[a+1,b+2]==Lt;Cmp[a+1,b+3]==Lp;

        ++a==2; b=1;
        TestLoop[a]; //no loops; b==1;
        Cmp[a ,b ]==Gt;Cmp[a ,b+1]==Et;Cmp[a ,b+2]==Lt;Cmp[a ,b+3]==Lp;
        Cmp[a+1,b ]==Gp;Cmp[a+1,b+1]==Gt;Cmp[a+1,b+2]==Et;Cmp[a+1,b+3]==Lt;

        ++a==3; b=1;
        TestLoop[a]; //1 loop; b==2;
        Cmp[a ,b ]==Gt;Cmp[a ,b+1]==Et;Cmp[a ,b+2]==Lt;Cmp[a,b+3 ]==Lp;
        Cmp[a+1,b ]==Gp;Cmp[a+1,b+1]==Gt;Cmp[a+1,b+2]==Et;Cmp[a+1,b+3]==Lt;

        The question was originally why is induction needed? The answer to that is represented by the TestLoop. Basically, it proves there is a contiguous sequence of numbers between the $n^{th}$ step and the non-successor number (that number is $1$ in my universe).

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        edited Jan 16 at 8:29

        answered Jan 15 at 3:57

        Steven HattonSteven Hatton



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