
Showing posts from January 2, 2019


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Error 'class HotelRoom' has no member named 'menu' even though it is there

1 I am attempting to build a hotel reservation program in C++. however, I have an issue. I keep getting the above error message and I can't seem to find a fix. Please provide some assistance. Anything would be greatly appreciated. Below is what I have written thus far. using namespace std; class HotelRoom{ private: int roomnum; //Room numbers int roomcap; //Room capacity int roomoccuoystst = 0; int maxperperroom; double dailyrate; public: HotelRoom() { roomcap = 0; maxperperroom = 2; dailyrate = 175; } int gettotal = 0; int gettotallist = 0; string room; string guestroom,message; void viewrooms() { char viewselect, back...