Definition of $going-up$ map

The exercise 5.10 of Atiyah's Commutative Algebra gives the definition of $going-up$ map: A ring homomorphism $f:Arightarrow B$ is said to have the $going-up$ (resp. the $going-down$ property) if the conclusion of going-up theorem (resp. the going-down theorem) holds for $B$ and its subring $f(A)$ . I think this definition is unnatural and I think the definition should be ....... if the conclusion of going-up theorem (resp. the going-down theorem) holds for $B$ and $A$ . It seems these two definitions are different. Why the book chooses the "unnatural" definition? Also one part of exercise is i) $f$ has the going-down property ii) For any prime ideal $q$ of $B$ , if $p=q^{c}$ , then $f^{*}: Spec(B_{q})to Spec(A_{p})$ is surjective prove that i)...