
Showing posts from February 26, 2019

Make a webapp launch a program

0 I am looking to build an app with a web interface,but that also need to run some code on the user's machine(node.js). So basically it has 2 components. I don't know how can I make the web ui to launch the node.js program on the user machine. I've seen websites that send a comand(I think they send a URL,but I am not sure) that will open an associate app on the user computer (for example a torrent website and a torrent app),so I know it is possible. node.js web-applications share | improve this question asked Nov 22 '18 at 7:58 Adrian Pascu Adrian Pascu 65 1 8 ...

LaTeX Exam package: Align choices with oneparchoices

4 I'm a fairly new LaTeX user, so please excuse me if this is a simple newbie question. I am using the exam package to create, well, an exam. I use both the choices and oneparchoices environments and I would like them to be aligned instead of the choices ones being far more indented. This MWE should illustrate my point: documentclass{exam} begin{document} begin{questions} question Question 1 begin{oneparchoices} correctchoice Answer 1 choice Answer 2 choice Answer 3 end{oneparchoices} question Question 2 begin{choices} correctchoice Answer 1 choice Answer 2 choice Answer 3 end{choices} end{questions} end{document} I'm sure the more experienced users can solve this easily, but I'm stuck. ...