
Showing posts from December 19, 2018

'Unresolved variable' about some variable used just one line above (PHPStorm 2018.2.5)

up vote 1 down vote favorite I'm struggling with my IDE with a simple code. I'm running under Angular 1.4, ES 5.1. function myFunction() { var vm = this; vm.listResults = null; SomeService.someFunction() .then(function (result) { vm.listResults = result; if (vm.listResults.length > 0) { vm.selectCity(vm.listResults[0]); } }); } vm.selectCity = function (city) {}; The last if statement throws a warning and declares the vm.listResults variable unresolved. Same for the call to selectCity and its parameter. I can't CTRL+CLICK on those three and I don't really understand why. What do I have to enabled in order to link this properly ? Under Languages & Frameworks > Javascript > Libraries I have angular-De...

Why do low production studios intentionally release similar films shortly after a big banner?

up vote 39 down vote favorite 4 Two movies with almost same name and plot are released together. Overlord (2018) was released on 9 November 2018 in USA and produced by J.J.Abrams who is a well known director and producer in Hollywood. A second movie is Nazi Overlord (2018) , released on 13 November 2018 in USA and produced by not so well known people. A similar situation was with Operation Dunkirk (2017) and Dunkirk (2017) . From the synopsis both movies have almost the same plot and name. This related question is about twin films whereas I am asking about low production studios making intentional releases shortly after the release by a big banner. What's the point of releasing such similar movies at the same time? production ...