
Showing posts from March 21, 2019

How to make a wave pattern circularly around a cylinder?

1 0 Hello i'm trying to make a wave pattern on the surface of a cylinder. The waves should rotate with the rotation of the surface. and in a way the sine period is moving in circles, and the amplitudes are long mounds on the surface. Here's some pictures to better explain what i mean. This is what i'm trying to get the top down view of the cylinder to look similar to: this is the top view of my cylinder. I'd like the wave to change direction with the rotation of the circle, so it looks the same from all directions. I feel like i'm very close, i'm just not sure what quaternion or angle to multiply against the vector: var geometry = this.threeDHandler.threeD_meshes[0].geometry; var vec3 = new THREE.Vector3(); // temp vector for (let i = 0; i < geometry.vertices.l...