Crystal Report Error Missing Parameter when try to open in VS 2013 but working fine in VS 2008 and 2005


I convert VS 2005 project to VS 2013 ,everything work fine but Crystal Report give error "Missing Parameter" all reports work fine in VS 2005 but give the same error Missing Parameter in VS 2013

Here is my Code
Dim crReportDocument As
Private Sub OpenReport(ByVal rName As String)
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.Page.GetType(), "popupOpener",
"var'" + rName.ToString +
0');popup.focus();", True)
End Sub
Private Sub GetReport(ByVal DocumentNo As String, ByVal FromDocumentDate As
String, ByVal ToDocumentDate As String, ByVal ReportType As String)

Dim sParameter(2) As String
Dim sParameterValue(2) As String
Dim NewDocumentNo() As String = DocumentNo.Split("|")
Dim NewFromDocumentDate() As String = FromDocumentDate.Split("|")
Dim NewToDocumentDate() As String = ToDocumentDate.Split("|")

DocumentNo = ""
FromDocumentDate = ""
ToDocumentDate = ""

For i = 0 To NewDocumentNo.Length
If i <> NewDocumentNo.Length Then
If NewDocumentNo.Length = 1 Then
DocumentNo = "'" & NewDocumentNo(i) & "'"
FromDocumentDate = "'" & NewFromDocumentDate(i) & "'"
ToDocumentDate = "'" & NewToDocumentDate(i) & "'"
DocumentNo = DocumentNo & "'" & NewDocumentNo(i) & "'" & ","
FromDocumentDate = FromDocumentDate & "'" & NewFromDocumentDate(i) & "'" & ","
ToDocumentDate = ToDocumentDate & "'" & NewToDocumentDate(i) & "'" & ","
End If
End If

If NewDocumentNo.Length > 1 Then
DocumentNo = Left(DocumentNo, DocumentNo.LastIndexOf(","))
FromDocumentDate = Left(FromDocumentDate, FromDocumentDate.LastIndexOf(","))
ToDocumentDate = Left(ToDocumentDate, ToDocumentDate.LastIndexOf(","))
End If
sParameterValue(1) = " Where C.Transaction_No <> 0 And A.Document_No IN (" & DocumentNo & ")"

Dim rName As String
Dim _Report As New rptObject
crReportDocument = New CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument

Select Case ReportType
Case "Cheque"
rName = "rptCheque"
crReportDocument.Load(Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName + ".rpt"))
With _Report
.AddParameter("@WhereCond", sParameterValue(1), crReportDocument)
End With
'Case "ITXJournal"
' rName = "rptITXJournalVoucher"
' crReportDocument.Load(Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName + ".rpt"))
' With _Report
' .AddParameter("User Name", Session("UserName"), crReportDocument)
' .AddParameter("@WhereCond", sParameterValue(1), crReportDocument)
' End With
'Case "ITXCashPaymemt"
' rName = "rptITXTransactionDetail"
' crReportDocument.Load(Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName + ".rpt"))
' With _Report
' .AddParameter("User Name", Session("UserName"), crReportDocument)
' .AddParameter("@WhereCond", sParameterValue(1), crReportDocument)
' End With
'Case "Journal"
' rName = "rptJournalVoucher"
' crReportDocument.Load(Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName + ".rpt"))
' With _Report
' .AddParameter("User Name", Session("UserName"), crReportDocument)
' .AddParameter("@WhereCond", sParameterValue(1), crReportDocument)
' End With
Case Else
rName = "rptGLTransactionDetail"
'' rName = "GLReport"
crReportDocument.Load(Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName + ".rpt"))
With _Report
.AddParameter("UserName", Session("UserName"), crReportDocument)
.AddParameter("CompanyName", Session("CompanyName"), crReportDocument)
.AddParameter("VoucherHeading", "Heading", crReportDocument)
.AddParameter("@WhereCond", sParameterValue(1), crReportDocument)
End With
End Select

crReportDocument.DataSourceConnections.Item(0).SetConnection("KT", "JVC", True)
If cboReportFormat.SelectedValue.Equals("pdf") Then
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName +
OpenReport(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../Reports/" +
rName + ".pdf"))
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName +
OpenReport(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../Reports/" +
rName + ".xls"))
End If
OpenReport("../Reports/" + rName + "." + cboReportFormat.SelectedValue)
End Sub
#End Region

Sometime report run but don't take parameter and show all record and sometime give error Missing Parameter

share|improve this question

  • Are you using exactly the same version of Cristal Report in your new environment?

    – Siyon DP
    Jan 1 at 9:33

  • I used Version=13.0.2000.0

    – Raheel
    Jan 1 at 10:00


I convert VS 2005 project to VS 2013 ,everything work fine but Crystal Report give error "Missing Parameter" all reports work fine in VS 2005 but give the same error Missing Parameter in VS 2013

Here is my Code
Dim crReportDocument As
Private Sub OpenReport(ByVal rName As String)
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.Page.GetType(), "popupOpener",
"var'" + rName.ToString +
0');popup.focus();", True)
End Sub
Private Sub GetReport(ByVal DocumentNo As String, ByVal FromDocumentDate As
String, ByVal ToDocumentDate As String, ByVal ReportType As String)

Dim sParameter(2) As String
Dim sParameterValue(2) As String
Dim NewDocumentNo() As String = DocumentNo.Split("|")
Dim NewFromDocumentDate() As String = FromDocumentDate.Split("|")
Dim NewToDocumentDate() As String = ToDocumentDate.Split("|")

DocumentNo = ""
FromDocumentDate = ""
ToDocumentDate = ""

For i = 0 To NewDocumentNo.Length
If i <> NewDocumentNo.Length Then
If NewDocumentNo.Length = 1 Then
DocumentNo = "'" & NewDocumentNo(i) & "'"
FromDocumentDate = "'" & NewFromDocumentDate(i) & "'"
ToDocumentDate = "'" & NewToDocumentDate(i) & "'"
DocumentNo = DocumentNo & "'" & NewDocumentNo(i) & "'" & ","
FromDocumentDate = FromDocumentDate & "'" & NewFromDocumentDate(i) & "'" & ","
ToDocumentDate = ToDocumentDate & "'" & NewToDocumentDate(i) & "'" & ","
End If
End If

If NewDocumentNo.Length > 1 Then
DocumentNo = Left(DocumentNo, DocumentNo.LastIndexOf(","))
FromDocumentDate = Left(FromDocumentDate, FromDocumentDate.LastIndexOf(","))
ToDocumentDate = Left(ToDocumentDate, ToDocumentDate.LastIndexOf(","))
End If
sParameterValue(1) = " Where C.Transaction_No <> 0 And A.Document_No IN (" & DocumentNo & ")"

Dim rName As String
Dim _Report As New rptObject
crReportDocument = New CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument

Select Case ReportType
Case "Cheque"
rName = "rptCheque"
crReportDocument.Load(Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName + ".rpt"))
With _Report
.AddParameter("@WhereCond", sParameterValue(1), crReportDocument)
End With
'Case "ITXJournal"
' rName = "rptITXJournalVoucher"
' crReportDocument.Load(Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName + ".rpt"))
' With _Report
' .AddParameter("User Name", Session("UserName"), crReportDocument)
' .AddParameter("@WhereCond", sParameterValue(1), crReportDocument)
' End With
'Case "ITXCashPaymemt"
' rName = "rptITXTransactionDetail"
' crReportDocument.Load(Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName + ".rpt"))
' With _Report
' .AddParameter("User Name", Session("UserName"), crReportDocument)
' .AddParameter("@WhereCond", sParameterValue(1), crReportDocument)
' End With
'Case "Journal"
' rName = "rptJournalVoucher"
' crReportDocument.Load(Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName + ".rpt"))
' With _Report
' .AddParameter("User Name", Session("UserName"), crReportDocument)
' .AddParameter("@WhereCond", sParameterValue(1), crReportDocument)
' End With
Case Else
rName = "rptGLTransactionDetail"
'' rName = "GLReport"
crReportDocument.Load(Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName + ".rpt"))
With _Report
.AddParameter("UserName", Session("UserName"), crReportDocument)
.AddParameter("CompanyName", Session("CompanyName"), crReportDocument)
.AddParameter("VoucherHeading", "Heading", crReportDocument)
.AddParameter("@WhereCond", sParameterValue(1), crReportDocument)
End With
End Select

crReportDocument.DataSourceConnections.Item(0).SetConnection("KT", "JVC", True)
If cboReportFormat.SelectedValue.Equals("pdf") Then
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName +
OpenReport(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../Reports/" +
rName + ".pdf"))
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName +
OpenReport(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../Reports/" +
rName + ".xls"))
End If
OpenReport("../Reports/" + rName + "." + cboReportFormat.SelectedValue)
End Sub
#End Region

Sometime report run but don't take parameter and show all record and sometime give error Missing Parameter

share|improve this question

  • Are you using exactly the same version of Cristal Report in your new environment?

    – Siyon DP
    Jan 1 at 9:33

  • I used Version=13.0.2000.0

    – Raheel
    Jan 1 at 10:00




I convert VS 2005 project to VS 2013 ,everything work fine but Crystal Report give error "Missing Parameter" all reports work fine in VS 2005 but give the same error Missing Parameter in VS 2013

Here is my Code
Dim crReportDocument As
Private Sub OpenReport(ByVal rName As String)
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.Page.GetType(), "popupOpener",
"var'" + rName.ToString +
0');popup.focus();", True)
End Sub
Private Sub GetReport(ByVal DocumentNo As String, ByVal FromDocumentDate As
String, ByVal ToDocumentDate As String, ByVal ReportType As String)

Dim sParameter(2) As String
Dim sParameterValue(2) As String
Dim NewDocumentNo() As String = DocumentNo.Split("|")
Dim NewFromDocumentDate() As String = FromDocumentDate.Split("|")
Dim NewToDocumentDate() As String = ToDocumentDate.Split("|")

DocumentNo = ""
FromDocumentDate = ""
ToDocumentDate = ""

For i = 0 To NewDocumentNo.Length
If i <> NewDocumentNo.Length Then
If NewDocumentNo.Length = 1 Then
DocumentNo = "'" & NewDocumentNo(i) & "'"
FromDocumentDate = "'" & NewFromDocumentDate(i) & "'"
ToDocumentDate = "'" & NewToDocumentDate(i) & "'"
DocumentNo = DocumentNo & "'" & NewDocumentNo(i) & "'" & ","
FromDocumentDate = FromDocumentDate & "'" & NewFromDocumentDate(i) & "'" & ","
ToDocumentDate = ToDocumentDate & "'" & NewToDocumentDate(i) & "'" & ","
End If
End If

If NewDocumentNo.Length > 1 Then
DocumentNo = Left(DocumentNo, DocumentNo.LastIndexOf(","))
FromDocumentDate = Left(FromDocumentDate, FromDocumentDate.LastIndexOf(","))
ToDocumentDate = Left(ToDocumentDate, ToDocumentDate.LastIndexOf(","))
End If
sParameterValue(1) = " Where C.Transaction_No <> 0 And A.Document_No IN (" & DocumentNo & ")"

Dim rName As String
Dim _Report As New rptObject
crReportDocument = New CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument

Select Case ReportType
Case "Cheque"
rName = "rptCheque"
crReportDocument.Load(Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName + ".rpt"))
With _Report
.AddParameter("@WhereCond", sParameterValue(1), crReportDocument)
End With
'Case "ITXJournal"
' rName = "rptITXJournalVoucher"
' crReportDocument.Load(Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName + ".rpt"))
' With _Report
' .AddParameter("User Name", Session("UserName"), crReportDocument)
' .AddParameter("@WhereCond", sParameterValue(1), crReportDocument)
' End With
'Case "ITXCashPaymemt"
' rName = "rptITXTransactionDetail"
' crReportDocument.Load(Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName + ".rpt"))
' With _Report
' .AddParameter("User Name", Session("UserName"), crReportDocument)
' .AddParameter("@WhereCond", sParameterValue(1), crReportDocument)
' End With
'Case "Journal"
' rName = "rptJournalVoucher"
' crReportDocument.Load(Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName + ".rpt"))
' With _Report
' .AddParameter("User Name", Session("UserName"), crReportDocument)
' .AddParameter("@WhereCond", sParameterValue(1), crReportDocument)
' End With
Case Else
rName = "rptGLTransactionDetail"
'' rName = "GLReport"
crReportDocument.Load(Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName + ".rpt"))
With _Report
.AddParameter("UserName", Session("UserName"), crReportDocument)
.AddParameter("CompanyName", Session("CompanyName"), crReportDocument)
.AddParameter("VoucherHeading", "Heading", crReportDocument)
.AddParameter("@WhereCond", sParameterValue(1), crReportDocument)
End With
End Select

crReportDocument.DataSourceConnections.Item(0).SetConnection("KT", "JVC", True)
If cboReportFormat.SelectedValue.Equals("pdf") Then
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName +
OpenReport(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../Reports/" +
rName + ".pdf"))
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName +
OpenReport(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../Reports/" +
rName + ".xls"))
End If
OpenReport("../Reports/" + rName + "." + cboReportFormat.SelectedValue)
End Sub
#End Region

Sometime report run but don't take parameter and show all record and sometime give error Missing Parameter

share|improve this question

I convert VS 2005 project to VS 2013 ,everything work fine but Crystal Report give error "Missing Parameter" all reports work fine in VS 2005 but give the same error Missing Parameter in VS 2013

Here is my Code
Dim crReportDocument As
Private Sub OpenReport(ByVal rName As String)
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.Page.GetType(), "popupOpener",
"var'" + rName.ToString +
0');popup.focus();", True)
End Sub
Private Sub GetReport(ByVal DocumentNo As String, ByVal FromDocumentDate As
String, ByVal ToDocumentDate As String, ByVal ReportType As String)

Dim sParameter(2) As String
Dim sParameterValue(2) As String
Dim NewDocumentNo() As String = DocumentNo.Split("|")
Dim NewFromDocumentDate() As String = FromDocumentDate.Split("|")
Dim NewToDocumentDate() As String = ToDocumentDate.Split("|")

DocumentNo = ""
FromDocumentDate = ""
ToDocumentDate = ""

For i = 0 To NewDocumentNo.Length
If i <> NewDocumentNo.Length Then
If NewDocumentNo.Length = 1 Then
DocumentNo = "'" & NewDocumentNo(i) & "'"
FromDocumentDate = "'" & NewFromDocumentDate(i) & "'"
ToDocumentDate = "'" & NewToDocumentDate(i) & "'"
DocumentNo = DocumentNo & "'" & NewDocumentNo(i) & "'" & ","
FromDocumentDate = FromDocumentDate & "'" & NewFromDocumentDate(i) & "'" & ","
ToDocumentDate = ToDocumentDate & "'" & NewToDocumentDate(i) & "'" & ","
End If
End If

If NewDocumentNo.Length > 1 Then
DocumentNo = Left(DocumentNo, DocumentNo.LastIndexOf(","))
FromDocumentDate = Left(FromDocumentDate, FromDocumentDate.LastIndexOf(","))
ToDocumentDate = Left(ToDocumentDate, ToDocumentDate.LastIndexOf(","))
End If
sParameterValue(1) = " Where C.Transaction_No <> 0 And A.Document_No IN (" & DocumentNo & ")"

Dim rName As String
Dim _Report As New rptObject
crReportDocument = New CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument

Select Case ReportType
Case "Cheque"
rName = "rptCheque"
crReportDocument.Load(Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName + ".rpt"))
With _Report
.AddParameter("@WhereCond", sParameterValue(1), crReportDocument)
End With
'Case "ITXJournal"
' rName = "rptITXJournalVoucher"
' crReportDocument.Load(Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName + ".rpt"))
' With _Report
' .AddParameter("User Name", Session("UserName"), crReportDocument)
' .AddParameter("@WhereCond", sParameterValue(1), crReportDocument)
' End With
'Case "ITXCashPaymemt"
' rName = "rptITXTransactionDetail"
' crReportDocument.Load(Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName + ".rpt"))
' With _Report
' .AddParameter("User Name", Session("UserName"), crReportDocument)
' .AddParameter("@WhereCond", sParameterValue(1), crReportDocument)
' End With
'Case "Journal"
' rName = "rptJournalVoucher"
' crReportDocument.Load(Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName + ".rpt"))
' With _Report
' .AddParameter("User Name", Session("UserName"), crReportDocument)
' .AddParameter("@WhereCond", sParameterValue(1), crReportDocument)
' End With
Case Else
rName = "rptGLTransactionDetail"
'' rName = "GLReport"
crReportDocument.Load(Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName + ".rpt"))
With _Report
.AddParameter("UserName", Session("UserName"), crReportDocument)
.AddParameter("CompanyName", Session("CompanyName"), crReportDocument)
.AddParameter("VoucherHeading", "Heading", crReportDocument)
.AddParameter("@WhereCond", sParameterValue(1), crReportDocument)
End With
End Select

crReportDocument.DataSourceConnections.Item(0).SetConnection("KT", "JVC", True)
If cboReportFormat.SelectedValue.Equals("pdf") Then
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName +
OpenReport(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../Reports/" +
rName + ".pdf"))
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../Reports/" + rName +
OpenReport(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../Reports/" +
rName + ".xls"))
End If
OpenReport("../Reports/" + rName + "." + cboReportFormat.SelectedValue)
End Sub
#End Region

Sometime report run but don't take parameter and show all record and sometime give error Missing Parameter visual-studio-2013 crystal-reports

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

asked Jan 1 at 8:30




  • Are you using exactly the same version of Cristal Report in your new environment?

    – Siyon DP
    Jan 1 at 9:33

  • I used Version=13.0.2000.0

    – Raheel
    Jan 1 at 10:00

  • Are you using exactly the same version of Cristal Report in your new environment?

    – Siyon DP
    Jan 1 at 9:33

  • I used Version=13.0.2000.0

    – Raheel
    Jan 1 at 10:00

Are you using exactly the same version of Cristal Report in your new environment?

– Siyon DP
Jan 1 at 9:33

Are you using exactly the same version of Cristal Report in your new environment?

– Siyon DP
Jan 1 at 9:33

I used Version=13.0.2000.0

– Raheel
Jan 1 at 10:00

I used Version=13.0.2000.0

– Raheel
Jan 1 at 10:00





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