Is equicontinuity needed in theorem 7.25 part (b) from Rudin's “Principles”



About Rudin's theorem 7.25:

7.25     Theorem      If $K$ is compact, if $f_n in mathscr{C}(K)$ for $n=1,2,3,dots,$ and if ${f_n}$ is pointwise bounded and equicontinuous on $K$, then

  1. ${f_n}$ is uniformly bounded on $K$,

  2. ${f_n}$ contains a uniformly convergent subsequence.

The equicontinuity is needed for proving (1). But I don't see how it is needed for proving (2).

The proof is the following:


(1) Let $varepsilon > 0$ be given and choose $delta > 0$, in accordance with Definition 7.22, so that
|f_n(x) - f_n(y)| < varepsilon tag{44}

for all $n$, provided that $d(x,y) < delta$.

Since $K$ is compact, there are finitely many points $p_1, dots, p_r$ in $K$ such that to every $x in K$ corresponds at least one $p_i$ with $d(x, p_i) < delta$. Since ${f_n}$ is pointwise bounded, there exist $M_i < infty$ such that $|f_n(p_i)| < M_i$ for all $n$. If $M = max(M_1, dots, M_r)$, then $|f_n(x)| < M + varepsilon$ for every $x in K$. This proves (1).

(2) Let $E$ be a countable dense subset of $K$. (For the existence of such a set $E$, see Exercise 25, Chap. 2.) Theorem 7.23 shows that ${f_n}$ has a subsequence ${f_{n_i}}$ such that ${f_{n_i}(x)}$ converges for every $x in E$.

Put $f_{n_i} = g_i$, to simplify the notation. We shall prove that ${g_i}$ converrges uniformly on $K$.

Let $varepsilon > 0$, and pick $delta > 0$ as in the beginning of this proof. Let $V(x,delta)$ be the set of all $y in K$ with $d(x,y) < delta$. Since $E$ is dense in $K$, and $K$ is compact, there are finitely many points $x_1, dots, x_m$ in $E$ such that
K subset V(x_1, delta) cup dots cup V(x_m, delta). tag{45}

Since ${g_i(x)}$ converges for every $x in E$, there is an integer $N$ such that
|g_i(x_s) - g_j(x_s)| < varepsilon tag{46}

whenever $i geq N$, $j geq N$, $1 leq s leq m$.

If $x in K$, $(ref{45})$ shows that $x in V(x_s, delta)$ for some $s$, so that
|g_i(x) - g_i(x_s) | < varepsilon

for every $i$. If $i geq N$ and $j geq N$, it follows from $(ref{46})$ that
|g_i(x) - g_j(x)| &leq |g_i(x) - g_i(x_s)| + |g_i(x_s) - g_j(x_s)| + |g_j(x_s) - g_j(x)| \
&< 3varepsilon.

This completes the proof.

So my question is: if I remove the equicontinuity from the assumptions, part (1) would not hold anymore, but would the part (2) of the theorem still hold?

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    About Rudin's theorem 7.25:

    7.25     Theorem      If $K$ is compact, if $f_n in mathscr{C}(K)$ for $n=1,2,3,dots,$ and if ${f_n}$ is pointwise bounded and equicontinuous on $K$, then

    1. ${f_n}$ is uniformly bounded on $K$,

    2. ${f_n}$ contains a uniformly convergent subsequence.

    The equicontinuity is needed for proving (1). But I don't see how it is needed for proving (2).

    The proof is the following:


    (1) Let $varepsilon > 0$ be given and choose $delta > 0$, in accordance with Definition 7.22, so that
    |f_n(x) - f_n(y)| < varepsilon tag{44}

    for all $n$, provided that $d(x,y) < delta$.

    Since $K$ is compact, there are finitely many points $p_1, dots, p_r$ in $K$ such that to every $x in K$ corresponds at least one $p_i$ with $d(x, p_i) < delta$. Since ${f_n}$ is pointwise bounded, there exist $M_i < infty$ such that $|f_n(p_i)| < M_i$ for all $n$. If $M = max(M_1, dots, M_r)$, then $|f_n(x)| < M + varepsilon$ for every $x in K$. This proves (1).

    (2) Let $E$ be a countable dense subset of $K$. (For the existence of such a set $E$, see Exercise 25, Chap. 2.) Theorem 7.23 shows that ${f_n}$ has a subsequence ${f_{n_i}}$ such that ${f_{n_i}(x)}$ converges for every $x in E$.

    Put $f_{n_i} = g_i$, to simplify the notation. We shall prove that ${g_i}$ converrges uniformly on $K$.

    Let $varepsilon > 0$, and pick $delta > 0$ as in the beginning of this proof. Let $V(x,delta)$ be the set of all $y in K$ with $d(x,y) < delta$. Since $E$ is dense in $K$, and $K$ is compact, there are finitely many points $x_1, dots, x_m$ in $E$ such that
    K subset V(x_1, delta) cup dots cup V(x_m, delta). tag{45}

    Since ${g_i(x)}$ converges for every $x in E$, there is an integer $N$ such that
    |g_i(x_s) - g_j(x_s)| < varepsilon tag{46}

    whenever $i geq N$, $j geq N$, $1 leq s leq m$.

    If $x in K$, $(ref{45})$ shows that $x in V(x_s, delta)$ for some $s$, so that
    |g_i(x) - g_i(x_s) | < varepsilon

    for every $i$. If $i geq N$ and $j geq N$, it follows from $(ref{46})$ that
    |g_i(x) - g_j(x)| &leq |g_i(x) - g_i(x_s)| + |g_i(x_s) - g_j(x_s)| + |g_j(x_s) - g_j(x)| \
    &< 3varepsilon.

    This completes the proof.

    So my question is: if I remove the equicontinuity from the assumptions, part (1) would not hold anymore, but would the part (2) of the theorem still hold?

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      About Rudin's theorem 7.25:

      7.25     Theorem      If $K$ is compact, if $f_n in mathscr{C}(K)$ for $n=1,2,3,dots,$ and if ${f_n}$ is pointwise bounded and equicontinuous on $K$, then

      1. ${f_n}$ is uniformly bounded on $K$,

      2. ${f_n}$ contains a uniformly convergent subsequence.

      The equicontinuity is needed for proving (1). But I don't see how it is needed for proving (2).

      The proof is the following:


      (1) Let $varepsilon > 0$ be given and choose $delta > 0$, in accordance with Definition 7.22, so that
      |f_n(x) - f_n(y)| < varepsilon tag{44}

      for all $n$, provided that $d(x,y) < delta$.

      Since $K$ is compact, there are finitely many points $p_1, dots, p_r$ in $K$ such that to every $x in K$ corresponds at least one $p_i$ with $d(x, p_i) < delta$. Since ${f_n}$ is pointwise bounded, there exist $M_i < infty$ such that $|f_n(p_i)| < M_i$ for all $n$. If $M = max(M_1, dots, M_r)$, then $|f_n(x)| < M + varepsilon$ for every $x in K$. This proves (1).

      (2) Let $E$ be a countable dense subset of $K$. (For the existence of such a set $E$, see Exercise 25, Chap. 2.) Theorem 7.23 shows that ${f_n}$ has a subsequence ${f_{n_i}}$ such that ${f_{n_i}(x)}$ converges for every $x in E$.

      Put $f_{n_i} = g_i$, to simplify the notation. We shall prove that ${g_i}$ converrges uniformly on $K$.

      Let $varepsilon > 0$, and pick $delta > 0$ as in the beginning of this proof. Let $V(x,delta)$ be the set of all $y in K$ with $d(x,y) < delta$. Since $E$ is dense in $K$, and $K$ is compact, there are finitely many points $x_1, dots, x_m$ in $E$ such that
      K subset V(x_1, delta) cup dots cup V(x_m, delta). tag{45}

      Since ${g_i(x)}$ converges for every $x in E$, there is an integer $N$ such that
      |g_i(x_s) - g_j(x_s)| < varepsilon tag{46}

      whenever $i geq N$, $j geq N$, $1 leq s leq m$.

      If $x in K$, $(ref{45})$ shows that $x in V(x_s, delta)$ for some $s$, so that
      |g_i(x) - g_i(x_s) | < varepsilon

      for every $i$. If $i geq N$ and $j geq N$, it follows from $(ref{46})$ that
      |g_i(x) - g_j(x)| &leq |g_i(x) - g_i(x_s)| + |g_i(x_s) - g_j(x_s)| + |g_j(x_s) - g_j(x)| \
      &< 3varepsilon.

      This completes the proof.

      So my question is: if I remove the equicontinuity from the assumptions, part (1) would not hold anymore, but would the part (2) of the theorem still hold?

      share|cite|improve this question


      About Rudin's theorem 7.25:

      7.25     Theorem      If $K$ is compact, if $f_n in mathscr{C}(K)$ for $n=1,2,3,dots,$ and if ${f_n}$ is pointwise bounded and equicontinuous on $K$, then

      1. ${f_n}$ is uniformly bounded on $K$,

      2. ${f_n}$ contains a uniformly convergent subsequence.

      The equicontinuity is needed for proving (1). But I don't see how it is needed for proving (2).

      The proof is the following:


      (1) Let $varepsilon > 0$ be given and choose $delta > 0$, in accordance with Definition 7.22, so that
      |f_n(x) - f_n(y)| < varepsilon tag{44}

      for all $n$, provided that $d(x,y) < delta$.

      Since $K$ is compact, there are finitely many points $p_1, dots, p_r$ in $K$ such that to every $x in K$ corresponds at least one $p_i$ with $d(x, p_i) < delta$. Since ${f_n}$ is pointwise bounded, there exist $M_i < infty$ such that $|f_n(p_i)| < M_i$ for all $n$. If $M = max(M_1, dots, M_r)$, then $|f_n(x)| < M + varepsilon$ for every $x in K$. This proves (1).

      (2) Let $E$ be a countable dense subset of $K$. (For the existence of such a set $E$, see Exercise 25, Chap. 2.) Theorem 7.23 shows that ${f_n}$ has a subsequence ${f_{n_i}}$ such that ${f_{n_i}(x)}$ converges for every $x in E$.

      Put $f_{n_i} = g_i$, to simplify the notation. We shall prove that ${g_i}$ converrges uniformly on $K$.

      Let $varepsilon > 0$, and pick $delta > 0$ as in the beginning of this proof. Let $V(x,delta)$ be the set of all $y in K$ with $d(x,y) < delta$. Since $E$ is dense in $K$, and $K$ is compact, there are finitely many points $x_1, dots, x_m$ in $E$ such that
      K subset V(x_1, delta) cup dots cup V(x_m, delta). tag{45}

      Since ${g_i(x)}$ converges for every $x in E$, there is an integer $N$ such that
      |g_i(x_s) - g_j(x_s)| < varepsilon tag{46}

      whenever $i geq N$, $j geq N$, $1 leq s leq m$.

      If $x in K$, $(ref{45})$ shows that $x in V(x_s, delta)$ for some $s$, so that
      |g_i(x) - g_i(x_s) | < varepsilon

      for every $i$. If $i geq N$ and $j geq N$, it follows from $(ref{46})$ that
      |g_i(x) - g_j(x)| &leq |g_i(x) - g_i(x_s)| + |g_i(x_s) - g_j(x_s)| + |g_j(x_s) - g_j(x)| \
      &< 3varepsilon.

      This completes the proof.

      So my question is: if I remove the equicontinuity from the assumptions, part (1) would not hold anymore, but would the part (2) of the theorem still hold?

      analysis uniform-convergence equicontinuity

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      edited Feb 1 at 13:50

      David Kraemer



      asked Feb 1 at 13:07

      Antonio Horta RibeiroAntonio Horta Ribeiro



          1 Answer






          No, it would not hold anymore. Think of $K=[0,1]$ and

          $$ f_n(x)= begin{cases} 1-nx, & x in [0,1/n), \0, & text{else.} end{cases}$$

          The way $delta$ is chosen in the proof above makes use of equicontinuity.

          share|cite|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            Ohh, ok, you need the equicontinuity for: $|g_i(x)- g_i(x_s)| < epsilon$ to hold for every $i$ and every $x$, with the same $delta$. I missed that....Thanks!
            – Antonio Horta Ribeiro
            Feb 1 at 13:46

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          No, it would not hold anymore. Think of $K=[0,1]$ and

          $$ f_n(x)= begin{cases} 1-nx, & x in [0,1/n), \0, & text{else.} end{cases}$$

          The way $delta$ is chosen in the proof above makes use of equicontinuity.

          share|cite|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            Ohh, ok, you need the equicontinuity for: $|g_i(x)- g_i(x_s)| < epsilon$ to hold for every $i$ and every $x$, with the same $delta$. I missed that....Thanks!
            – Antonio Horta Ribeiro
            Feb 1 at 13:46



          No, it would not hold anymore. Think of $K=[0,1]$ and

          $$ f_n(x)= begin{cases} 1-nx, & x in [0,1/n), \0, & text{else.} end{cases}$$

          The way $delta$ is chosen in the proof above makes use of equicontinuity.

          share|cite|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            Ohh, ok, you need the equicontinuity for: $|g_i(x)- g_i(x_s)| < epsilon$ to hold for every $i$ and every $x$, with the same $delta$. I missed that....Thanks!
            – Antonio Horta Ribeiro
            Feb 1 at 13:46





          No, it would not hold anymore. Think of $K=[0,1]$ and

          $$ f_n(x)= begin{cases} 1-nx, & x in [0,1/n), \0, & text{else.} end{cases}$$

          The way $delta$ is chosen in the proof above makes use of equicontinuity.

          share|cite|improve this answer


          No, it would not hold anymore. Think of $K=[0,1]$ and

          $$ f_n(x)= begin{cases} 1-nx, & x in [0,1/n), \0, & text{else.} end{cases}$$

          The way $delta$ is chosen in the proof above makes use of equicontinuity.

          share|cite|improve this answer

          share|cite|improve this answer

          share|cite|improve this answer

          answered Feb 1 at 13:16

          Mars PlasticMars Plastic



          • $begingroup$
            Ohh, ok, you need the equicontinuity for: $|g_i(x)- g_i(x_s)| < epsilon$ to hold for every $i$ and every $x$, with the same $delta$. I missed that....Thanks!
            – Antonio Horta Ribeiro
            Feb 1 at 13:46

          • $begingroup$
            Ohh, ok, you need the equicontinuity for: $|g_i(x)- g_i(x_s)| < epsilon$ to hold for every $i$ and every $x$, with the same $delta$. I missed that....Thanks!
            – Antonio Horta Ribeiro
            Feb 1 at 13:46

          Ohh, ok, you need the equicontinuity for: $|g_i(x)- g_i(x_s)| < epsilon$ to hold for every $i$ and every $x$, with the same $delta$. I missed that....Thanks!
          – Antonio Horta Ribeiro
          Feb 1 at 13:46

          Ohh, ok, you need the equicontinuity for: $|g_i(x)- g_i(x_s)| < epsilon$ to hold for every $i$ and every $x$, with the same $delta$. I missed that....Thanks!
          – Antonio Horta Ribeiro
          Feb 1 at 13:46

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